Off to Trafalgar Square this afternoon for the final event of SOULINTHECITY I have been in a privileged position of co-ordinating with Jessica Swift the Islington's Projects. The focus of Soul in the City has been to bring over 10,000 Christian Young People from all over the country (and world) to London to work alongside over 720 partner churches in serving their local communities.
Over the Past two weeks 22 churches in Islington and over 300 sitc delegates have run seven projects on the major estates in our Borough. Soul in the City in Islington has made a huge impact on the lives of Islington Residents and has been praised by council workers and Police.
Church members and Sitc Delegates have
Cleaned and painted stairways on the six Acres estate – the estate is being transformed / Painted 240 Garage Doors on the Andover Estate / Built benches for paradise park / Built new play equipment for the Martin Luther King playground / Cleared and graveled gardens on the Fairbridge estate in partnership with the tenants and residents association / Built communal bar-b-q’s, dug new pathways and landscaped communal areas on the Bemerton estate / Painted a mile of railings on the Bemerton Estate / Run a kids club on the Marquess estate / Painted the railings around the central park on the Dover court estate / Run mountain bike course in partnership with the police on the Dover court estate / Decorated St Mary’s Neighborhood Centre / run a Local football tornament / Cleared over 30 Gardens on the Scott and St Mary’s Path Estates / Run a Youth Café / Painted the 10ft high perimeter fence around the Almorah Community Centre on the Scott Estate / Held Community Bar-b-q’s on at each of the projects / held a celebration on Young Islington Talent at the Carling Academy in the N1 Centre.
Paul Shepherd hosted the project on the Bemerton Estate, his dream of having a 'Village Fete on the Bemerton Estate' came true (without all the crapness of an actual village fete) when on each Friday of the fortnight local people came out of their homes and joined together for a community Bar-b-q in the central square of the Estate. This is the first time an event like this has happened on the Estate that became famous a couple of summers ago for it's Rioting Young People and high anti social crime rate.
Well done and thank you to Paul and all the other Project hosts, churches and delegates who have truly transformed many parts of Islington through hard physical work and unconditional love.
To be part of this ALTERNATIVE WORSHIP these last two weeks have been Humbling, amazing, and subversive. Many of the apparently crazy values of the Kingdom of God have been established in the cold hard places. People still can't quite work out what it's all about! Let's care for the Mustard seeds as they grow.
I have added a Photo Album to celebrate this upside down, inside out, counter pretty much everything, act of grace.
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